Integrate with 6000+ apps

Use Zapier to integrate contract workflow with anything, from Notion to Google Sheets - no code required.
Apps that zap together, stay together
Contracts impact several teams - so it’s important that they can connect with any tool, to save time and give visibility to end-users.
“Our Juro workflow takes care of our standard use case; it’s completely self-serve. Also, for deviations, it lets us handle several each day, really fast”
Victoria Sörving
Chief Legal Officer, Funnel
All the apps, none of the coding
Zapier’s no-code connectivity means you don’t need a developer to set up complex multi-system workflows for your contracts.
“We’re saving so much time - contracts previously taking a week to sign are now taking minutes”
Willem Wellinghoff
Chief Legal Officer, Shieldpay
Infinite options for your business
Zapier connects with over 6,000 apps - and now Juro can connect with them too. Create the specific workflow that’s right for your business.
“Juro is a great tool that both legal and commercial teams find easy to use”
Sophie Salisbury
Head of Legal, Appear Here

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team is on hand to answer your questions. Hit the button in the bottom right corner to chat with us.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a connector of platforms that allows business teams and individuals to build bespoke integrations between the unique set of systems that they use every day.

How does Zapier work?

Zapier sends ‘zaps’ to and from Juro, and other relevant tools, in order to create integrated workflows. To find out more about how this can benefit your business, get a demo, or join one of our regular webinars.

How many apps can Zapier connect?

Zapier currently supports more than 6,000 apps - so the key systems you’d like in your contract workflow will certainly be covered. Visit Zapier to find out more about the latest apps available.

Is Juro listed in the Zapier marketplace?

Yes - find out more about Juro’s Zapier integration and get started by visiting the Zapier marketplace and searching for 'Juro'.

How much does Juro’s Zapier integration cost?

Juro’s Zapier integration is included in our most popular Growth plan. Click 'Pricing' at the top of the page, or hit 'Get a demo' to talk to our sales team and find out more.

Ready to start agreeing contracts faster?

Juro is the #1-rated contract platform globally for speed of implementation.

Your privacy at a glance

Hello. We are Juro Online Limited (known by humans as Juro). Here's a summary of how we protect your data and respect your privacy.

Read the full policy
(no legalese, we promise)