Accept nothing less than the Leader

With something as important as contracts, don’t compromise on quality. Give your colleagues and counterparties the CLM they deserve.
According to independent G2 reviews in 2024, Juro is a global Leader for CLM, with the highest user adoption and best support of any platform.

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Highest adoption of any CLM

Juro: 72%
Average: 59%; DocuSign CLM: 59%;
Linksquares: 54%; ContractPodAI: 41%; Contractbook: 36%
"I ran a 30-min training session with sales and customer success on Friday; by Monday we had our first contract created, sent and signed in Juro"

Best support
of any CLM

Juro is rated 9.8 for support with 
a median response time of less than one minute
"The customer support offered is nothing short of outstanding. The team is always ready to assist, proving their commitment to customer satisfaction"



If contracts are causing friction for your business, a Word plugin or point solution isn’t going to solve your problem. Upgrade contracts end to end with Juro.
"Using Juro has changed the game - it streamlines our contract drafting, review, and execution processes by managing the entire contract lifecycle with one tool"

Works for  

every team

Juro is the only AI-enabled contract automation solution built for legal and business teams.
"Juro's the first CLM I've encountered that has truly been adopted (and enjoyed) by various company departments - easy to train colleagues to use it”

Your privacy at a glance

Hello. We are Juro Online Limited (known by humans as Juro). Here's a summary of how we protect your data and respect your privacy.

Read the full policy
(no legalese, we promise)