Juro AI terms

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These additional terms apply to the Customer’s use of any AI-enabled feature made available by Juro, whether in the Juro Platform, via an API or otherwise (each an AI Feature). The AI Features are part of the Hosted Services.

1. Customer Content

1.1. The Customer owns AI Output. Any output that the Customer generates by providing inputs to AI Features (AI Output) is Customer Data. Juro hereby assigns to the Customer all its right, title and interest (if any) in and to the AI Output.

1.2. Juro may not train models for anyone else using Customer Data. Juro may not use Customer Data as training data for any AI models, unless the AI model is used only to provide Services to Customer (Customer-Specific Model). If Juro does create any Customer-Specific Models, Juro must erase the Customer-Specific Models in its possession within 60 days after termination of the Agreement for any reason.

1.3. Similar output is not Customer Data. AI Output may not be unique and other users may receive similar content from Juro’s services. Responses that are requested by and generated for other users are not Customer Data. Juro’s assignment of Output above does not include other users’ output.

2. Restrictions on use

The Customer must not (and must ensure its users do not): (a) use the AI Features or Customer Content illegally; (b) send to the AI Features any personal data of children under 13 or the applicable age of digital consent; (c) use Output to develop AI models that compete with Juro; (d) use any method to extract data from the AI Features other than those permitted under the Agreement; or (e) misrepresent the Output as human-generated when it is not.

3. Disclaimers

3.1. AI Features make mistakes. AI Features may produce incorrect AU Output that does not accurately reflect real people, places, facts or laws (including legal authorities). The Customer must use human review to identify and correct any errors in the AI Output before using or relying on the AI Output for any purpose.

3.2. Non-infringement remedies are excluded. Any indemnity provided by Juro under the MSA relating to non-infringement by the Services of any intellectual property or other third party rights does not apply to the AI Output.

Last updated 11 March 2025.

Previous terms:

February 2025