
Read our expert-led, in-depth resources to help your legal team to enable the business in 2025.

The State of In-house 2024: Legal teams in the age of AI

With the pace of change in AI outstripping expectations, how are in-house legal teams rising to meet the moment? Find out in this report, which reveals the findings from conversations with more than 100 in-house lawyers.
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Contract automation in 2022: legal documents reimagined
This whitepaper looks past the myths and hype to examine the status quo when it comes to contract automation - and how businesses can move past outmoded practices to automate routine contracts at scale and enable growth in 2022.
In-house legal in 2022: what's front of mind?
Every year, we interview dozens of in-house legal and legal ops professionals to take the temperature of in-house legal at the world’s fastest-growing companies. Read the exclusive findings in our in-house legal report, in partnership with Wilson Sonsini.

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