

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Intellectual property

Software license agreement template

Use this free software license agreement template to outline the terms and conditions under which the software can be used.

Our templates are for general information only. You should not rely on them, and Juro is not liable for any reliance on them. The templates might contain errors, including unlawful provisions and might create risks and liabilities if used. The templates are not legal advice, nor a substitute for it. By accessing any template, you accept these terms and agree that any use is at your own risk. Some of these templates were created using generative AI with human-assisted prompts.

Software license agreements (SLAs) are a cornerstone of the software industry, ensuring that both developers and users understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to software usage. 

With the rapid growth of the software market, it's more important than ever to have a clear and concise SLA in place. 

But what exactly is a Software License Agreement, who needs one, and how do you create one? 

What is a software license agreement (SLA)?

A software license agreement, often abbreviated as SLA, is a legal contract between the software developer or vendor and the end-user. It outlines the terms and conditions under which the software can be used, including limitations, rights, and restrictions.

This type of agreement allows the software creator to retain ownership of the software while granting the user permission to use it in specific ways. 

It ensures that the software will not be redistributed, copied, modified, or resold without the developer's consent. SLAs are crucial for protecting intellectual property, defining user rights, and setting forth any warranties or disclaimers.

Unlimited vs limited license

An unlimited license grants the user the right to use the software without any restrictions on the number of devices or duration. On the other hand, a limited license might restrict the software's use to a specific number of devices, users, or a set period.

It's essential to understand the type of license you're agreeing to, as violating the terms can lead to legal consequences.

When should you use a software license agreement?

  • Launching a new software product. Before releasing a new software product to the public, it's crucial to have an SLA in place to protect your intellectual property and set clear usage terms.
  • Selling software to businesses. When selling software to other businesses, an SLA ensures both parties understand their rights and responsibilities, especially concerning redistribution or modification.
  • Offering software on a subscription basis. If you're providing software as a service (SaaS), an SLA can define the terms of the subscription, including duration, renewal, and termination clauses.
  • Custom software development. When developing software tailored to a specific client's needs, an SLA can outline the terms of use, modification rights, and any support or maintenance agreements.

Key components of a software license agreement

  • Parties involved. Clearly define the software developer or vendor and the end-user or licensee.

  • License type. Specify whether the license is unlimited, limited, non-exclusive, or exclusive.

  • Usage restrictions. Clearly state any restrictions on how the software can be used, modified, or redistributed.

  • Payment terms. Outline any fees associated with the software, including one-time purchases, subscription fees, or royalties.

  • Warranties and disclaimers. Define any guarantees provided with the software and any disclaimers regarding its use or performance.

  • Termination clauses. Specify the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated, such as violation of terms or non-payment
  • Governing law. State the jurisdiction that will govern any disputes arising from the agreement.

Automating software license agreements

Creating SLAs manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Modern businesses are turning to contract automation platforms to streamline the process. 

With automated templates, you can generate SLAs quickly and ensure they're consistent and compliant.

Benefits of Automating SLAs

  • Consistency. Ensure that every SLA uses the most up-to-date and compliant template.

  • Efficiency. Reduce the time spent drafting, reviewing, and negotiating SLAs.

  • Centralized storage. Store all SLAs in a single, searchable repository, making it easy to track and manage them.

  • Improved collaboration. Enable real-time collaboration between legal, sales, and other teams involved in the SLA process.

FAQs about software license agreements

Can I modify a software product under an SLA? 

This depends on the terms of the agreement. Some SLAs may allow modifications, while others may prohibit them.

What happens if I violate the terms of an SLA? 

Violating an SLA can lead to legal consequences, including fines, termination of the license, or even lawsuits.

Do I own the software once I purchase a license? 

No, purchasing a license grants you the right to use the software under specific terms, but the developer retains ownership.

Can I transfer my software license to someone else? 

This depends on the SLA's terms. Some licenses are non-transferable, while others may allow transfers with certain restrictions.

How can automation enhance the management of software license agreements?

Indeed, automation can significantly streamline the management of software license agreements.

Contract automation platforms can alleviate the administrative burden often shouldered by legal and sales teams. 

A platform like Juro, for instance, can offer businesses the tools to handle software license agreements more efficiently with features such as:

  • Automated contract templates. Legal teams can craft and maintain dynamic software license agreement templates within a rich-text editor, making it simple to modify or update as needed.

  • Conditional logic. Rather than piecing together disparate contracts for different licensing scenarios, users can set up templates to automatically adjust the terms of a software license agreement based on specific conditions, such as the type of license or user category.

  • Integration with sales and management platforms. Juro can seamlessly integrate with CRM systems like Salesforce, allowing for the automatic transfer of customer data into contracts, thus eliminating the need for manual data entry.

  • Bulk actions. For businesses issuing numerous licenses, Juro’s bulk generation feature can produce, auto-fill, and dispatch multiple software license agreements for e-signature, streamlining the process for rapid scaling.

  • Mobile-responsive eSignature. Licensees can promptly review and sign software license agreements using Juro’s built-in eSignature functionality, compatible with various devices.

  • In-platform commenting. Software license agreements can sometimes be complex, but with Juro’s in-browser negotiation tools, stakeholders can directly annotate and ask questions on the document, facilitating clear communication and swift resolution of queries.

These features not only save time but also enhance accuracy and compliance, ensuring that software license agreements are managed with the utmost efficiency and professionalism.

Upgrade your software license agreement process with Juro

Juro streamlines the entire software license agreement workflow, empowering businesses to automate up to 75% of contract administration. Experience a process that's up to ten times swifter.

If the creation and management of software license agreements have become a challenge for your organization, click below to discover how Juro can be your solution today.

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