Bulletproof business case for contract automation

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‘Legal is a cost centre’. No matter how much value you add to the business, it can feel like this perception is insurmountable.

So when it comes to asking the business to sign off on buying software for you, making a business case that’s watertight is crucial. Committing to a contract automation platform should be one of the easiest asks you ever make.

Access our bulletproof business case here.

What is the bulletproof business case?

It can be difficult to convince the business to prioritise better contract automation as a priority purchase with a meaningful ROI. 

Even amongst Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC) members – the companies leading the charge in optimizing legal operations to drive efficiency – around half of member companies have yet to choose a contract automation system

The bulletproof business case walks you step by step through the process, so no matter the size of your business, or the complexity of your stakeholder environment, you can get the right people to listen – and to say yes.

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What’s inside the bulletproof business case?

The business case goes through 12 steps, with key takeaways on each one to help in-house legal teams create the best case for contract automation software.

These steps go as followed:

  1. Start with a headline
  2. What’s your problem?
  3. Who is suffering?
  4. Imagine a world…
  5. Who can help you?
  6. What’s the plan?
  7. Prove it: financial benefits
  8. Prove it: non-financial benefits
  9. But why this product?
  10. But why this product now? 
  11. If we say yes, then what?
  12. The new normal

Access our bulletproof business case, and start making a solid case for contract automation software.

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