A guide to ActiveCampaign contract management

July 25, 2024
Managing marketing campaigns with ActiveCampaign is a breeze, but what about those all-important contracts? Keep reading to find out how to integrate Juro with ActiveCampaign to automate all your key contracts. 

What is ActiveCampaign?

ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation platform combining email marketing, sales automation, and CRM tools. 

The platform is includes an esignature feature to help businesses connect and engage with their customers more effectively, alongside a suite of features to streamline marketing campaigns, manage customer relationships, and drive growth. 

It’s particularly known for its intuitive user interface, robust automation capabilities, and extensive integration options.But how would you go about automating contracts within the platform?

Can you manage contracts in ActiveCampaign?

While ActiveCampaign excels in marketing automation and CRM functionalities, it does not offer native contract management features. 

However, businesses can still manage contracts effectively by integrating ActiveCampaign with specialized contract management tools like Juro. 

This integration allows users to automate and streamline their contract processes, ensuring that contract-related tasks are seamlessly incorporated into their marketing and sales workflows. So, how does it work?

How to manage contracts in ActiveCampaign and Juro via Zapier

Integrating ActiveCampaign with Juro through Zapier opens up a wide range of possibilities for automating contract management tasks.

Some potential Zaps that can be set up include:

1. Automatically create a new contract in Juro when a contact is created ActiveCampaign 

 When a new contact is added in ActiveCampaign, a contract can be automatically created in Juro. For instance, once a contract is signed in Juro, Zapier can update this contact in ActiveCampaign , ensuring all key contract data is synchronized between the two platforms.

2. Automatically create a contract in Juro when a new deal is created or updated in ActiveCampaign. 

As a deal is created or updated in ActiveCampaign, a contract can be immediately created in Juro. This saves valuable time and eliminates the room for error between these two processes. You can see what these look like Zaps in action below: 

How to set up the integration

Setting up the integration between ActiveCampaign and Juro via Zapier involves a few straightforward steps:

1. Create accounts: Ensure you have active accounts in ActiveCampaign, Juro, and Zapier.

2. Connect accounts to Zapier: In Zapier, connect your ActiveCampaign and Juro accounts by providing the necessary API keys and credentials.

3. Set up the First Zap:

  • In Zapier, click on "Make a Zap".
  • Select ActiveCampaign as the trigger app and choose an event (e.g., New Contact).
  • Connect your ActiveCampaign account and set up the trigger by following the prompts.
  • Choose Juro as the action app and select the action you want to perform (e.g., Create Contract).
  • Connect your Juro account and configure the action settings.

4. Test the Zap: Run a test to ensure the Zap works as expected.

5. Activate the Zap: Once tested, turn on the Zap to start automating your contract management tasks.

You can then repeat the process to set up additional Zaps based on your specific workflow requirements.

The benefits of automating contracts in ActiveCampaign and Juro

Automating contract management through the integration of ActiveCampaign and Juro offers several benefits, we’ve listed a few of the key ones below: 


Automating repetitive tasks reduces manual workload, allowing key revenue teams like sales and marketing to focus on higher-value activities without .


Automated workflows minimize the risk of human error in contract creation and management.


Contracts can be generated, sent, and signed faster, accelerating the entire contract lifecycle.


Ensures uniformity in contract handling, maintaining standard procedures across the organization.


Integrated systems provide better oversight of contract statuses and key metrics, enhancing decision-making.

Automating your contracts as part of your ActiveCampaign workflows not only enhances productivity but also ensures a seamless and professional experience for your clients and stakeholders.

Want to get started? 

These Zaps automate key aspects of contract management, reducing manual work for busy legal and sales teams, and improving accuracy in the process. 

By integrating ActiveCampaign with Juro through Zapier, businesses can streamline their operations and ensure that their contract management processes are efficient and effective.

Find out more about Juro and how it can be integrated with 5000+ tools, including ActiveCampaign by filling in the form below to book your personalized demo.

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