6 days

end-to-end contract process without Juro

12 hours

end-to-end contract process with Juro

“Our return on investment is definitely in the six figures”

Find out how Give a Grad a Go used Juro to supercharge their contract workflow.
Give a Grad a Go
Company size
London, UK

Delivering real ROI on contract automation

Give a Grad a Go (GAGAGO) is a recruitment company dedicated to helping companies connect with recent graduates looking to kick-start their career. Since its founding in 2009, GAGAGO has helped thousands of graduates land their dream jobs.

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The challenge: no speed, no transparency

The growth of the business depended on signing new clients and graduates quickly, but a slow contract process was getting in the way. Mark Scrine, client services manager at GAGAGO, explains how the end-to-end process would often slow the business down.

“We usually created contracts in a Word document, changed the client name, converted them to PDF, attached them to an email and sent them out. It’d be signed, scanned, send back, uploaded and kept in a folder on someone’s desktop.” So far, so manual - but it was hampering GAGAGO’s sales process.

“We never knew if clients had viewed the contract, or when they might sign and return it.” Clients and consultants were both blocked by contracts. The end-to-end process would vary in length with each client, but five or six days from creation to signature was common. Something had to change.

The requirements: what did Give a Grad a Go need?

GAGAGO needed a solution that would increase speed and maximise efficiency, whilst providing a unified platform to store and manage contracts. The six-day turnaround had to be drastically shorter; Mark and his team needed transparency on contracts’ progress; and the solution needed to be simple enough to be adopted quickly.

The solution: high volumes at high speed

In November 2017, GAGAGO decided to implement Juro as its contract management platform for both sales and HR contracts, covering things like their recruitment agreement template, job offer letter template, employment contract amendment template and apprenticeship agreement template.

Working with Juro’s customer success team, Mark and his team integrated Juro’s API to set up an automated contract workflow, from creation all the way through to signature. Adoption landed well, and really took off when users started to realise the benefits of the new workflow.

  • Dramatic time-savings: the automated workflow, unrecognisable from the previous Word-edit-sign-scan system, reduced the end-to-end process “from 5-6 days per contract to half a day,” says Mark. “The ease of being able to sign contracts online, without the effort of printing and scanning, has made a positive impact too.”
  • A transparent system: Juro gives users great transparency into whether parties have viewed a given contract, helping to reduce time-to-signing, as reps can follow up with documents that have stalled. Juro’s Slack integration delivers notifications for signature that give the whole business a window into contract progress too.
  • Features that deliver: Mark and his team use Juro’s Companies House integration to auto-populate contracts with the correct details, saving time and avoiding frustrations as documents progress. The simple sharing link also reduces friction, giving reps different options for securing a signature.
  • A user-friendly interface: “the interface is so easy to use, it’s so much better than all our previous options,” says Mark. “Navigating around Juro is so simple and it just eases and cuts down the contract process for all of us.”

Ultimately GAGAGO decided to run all its contracts through Juro - from NDAs and employment contracts through to terms and conditions - and was able to increase its contract volume thanks to the frictionless end-to-end workflow.

The interface is so easy to use - it’s so much better than all our previous options

The results: ROI from a frictionless process

Finding a platform that simplified the end-to-end contract process, without compromising on speed and efficiency, was GAGAGO’s main objective. Through Juro, Mark’s team achieved a seamless end-to-end process and real return on their investment.

“When I think about how laborious the contract process used to be, we’ve almost taken Juro for granted - things are so much easier now,” says Mark. “Our return on investment is definitely in the six figures. I’d recommend Juro to anyone.”

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