

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Donation agreement template

Use this donation agreement template to clarify the terms and conditions of contributions for both donors and recipients.

Preview of a donation agreement template.
Want to manage donation agreements faster and more efficiently? Click on the image above to book a demo.
Preview of a donation agreement template.
Want to manage donation agreements faster and more efficiently? Click on the image above to book a demo.
Our templates are for general information only. You should not rely on them, and Juro is not liable for any reliance on them. The templates might contain errors, including unlawful provisions and might create risks and liabilities if used. The templates are not legal advice, nor a substitute for it. By accessing any template, you accept these terms and agree that any use is at your own risk. Some of these templates were created using generative AI with human-assisted prompts.

In this article, we explore what a donation agreement is, its purpose, who manages these agreements, and what essential components should be included in a template. We’ll also discuss the traditional manual approach to managing these agreements and how Juro can automate the process to make it more efficient.

What is a donation agreement?

A donation agreement is a legally binding document outlining the terms and conditions under which one party (the donor) agrees to donate something of value to another party (the recipient). These agreements are crucial in making sure that both parties understand their contractual obligations and expectations regarding the donation. 

Donation agreements cover various types of donations – from goods to services, cash to real estate. They help to clarify the purpose of the donation, how it will be used and any restrictions or conditions that apply.

What is the purpose of a donation agreement?

The primary purpose of a donation agreement is to create a clear and enforceable record of the donor’s intent and the recipient’s acceptance of the donation. This serves several important functions:

  1. Clarifies terms and conditions: By documenting the specifics of the donation – such as its value, purpose and any restrictions – both parties can avoid misunderstandings and disputes.
  2. Legal protection: A well-drafted donation agreement provides legal protection for both the donor and the recipient, ensuring that the donor’s intentions are honoured and that the recipient uses the donation appropriately.
  3. Tax benefits: For donors, a formal donation agreement can help substantiate claims for tax deductions or benefits, as it serves as proof of the donation.
  4. Accountability and transparency: The agreement promotes accountability and transparency by clearly outlining how the donation will be used, helping to ensure it serves its intended purpose.

Who manages donation agreements?

Donation agreements are typically managed by various parties, depending on the size and nature of the organizations involved.

In larger organizations, legal teams are usually responsible for drafting, reviewing and managing donation agreements to ensure they are legally sound and comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Finance and accounting departments often handle the financial aspects of donations, including valuation, recording and reporting for tax purposes.

In non-profit organizations, fundraising and development teams play a crucial role in securing donations and managing relationships with donors.

Senior executives or board members may also be involved in overseeing significant donations to ensure alignment with the organization’s mission and goals.

Donation agreement use cases

Donation agreements are used in various scenarios to formalise the transfer of value between parties. Here are some common use cases:

Charitable donations

Non-profit organizations use donation agreements to secure and document contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations.

Corporate sponsorships

Businesses may enter into donation agreements with non-profits or events they sponsor, outlining the terms of their financial or in-kind contributions.


Universities and other educational institutions often use donation agreements to establish endowments, specifying how the donated funds will be invested and used.

Capital campaigns

Organisations raising funds for specific projects – such as building a new facility – use donation agreements to document pledges and contributions.

Grant agreements

Foundations and government agencies use these agreements to outline the terms under which they will provide funding to non-profits or research institutions.

What should a donation agreement template include?

To ensure clarity, legality and mutual understanding between the donor and the recipient, a well-structured donation agreement template should include the following key elements:

Title and date. Clearly state the document title as ‘Donation Agreement’ and include the date of the agreement.

Parties involved. Identify and provide the names and contact information of the donor and the recipient organization or individual.

Purpose of the donation. Describe the specific purpose or project for which the donated items or funds will be used, ensuring it is fully and clearly understood by both parties.

Description of the donation. Detail the type and amount of the donation, whether it is monetary, in-kind goods or services. For in-kind donations, include a detailed description of the items.

Terms and conditions. Outline the terms and conditions governing the donation, including any specific obligations of the recipient, restrictions on the use of the donation, and conditions for the return of the donation if applicable.

Payment and delivery details. Specify the method, timeline and any conditions for the delivery or transfer of the donation. For monetary donations, include payment instructions.

Acknowledgment and recognition. Indicate how the donor will be acknowledged or recognized by the recipient – for example in annual reports, websites or naming rights.

Tax and legal considerations. Include any relevant tax information, such as the recipient’s tax-exempt status, and statements regarding compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Amendment and termination. Describe the process for amending the agreement and the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated by either party.

Confidentiality. Include a clause addressing the confidentiality of the agreement and any proprietary information shared between the parties.

Dispute resolution. Outline the process for resolving any disputes that may arise, including mediation or arbitration procedures.

Signatures. Provide spaces for the signatures of authorized representatives from both the donor and the recipient, along with their titles and the date of signing.

Including these elements in a donation agreement template helps ensure that the terms are clear, enforceable and aligned with the intentions of both parties, thereby fostering a transparent and effective donation process.

How are donation agreement templates usually managed?

Managing donation agreement templates involves several steps to ensure they are effective and legally compliant:

  1. Drafting – Legal teams or professionals draft the initial contract template, ensuring it covers all necessary elements and complies with relevant laws.
  2. Reviewing and updating – The template is reviewed regularly and updated as needed to make sure it remains current with any changes in laws or organizational policies.
  3. Customizing – Each agreement is customized to reflect the specifics of the donation and the needs of the donor and recipient.
  4. Approval process - The customized agreement goes through an approval process, often involving legal, financial and executive review.
  5. Execution and storage – Once approved, the agreement is signed by both parties and stored securely, either in physical form or in a digital repository.

Challenges of managing donation agreement templates

Managing donation agreement templates can present several challenges:

  1. Complexity and compliance: Ensuring that each agreement complies with all relevant laws and regulations can be complex, especially for organizations operating in multiple jurisdictions.
  2. Consistency: Maintaining consistency across all agreements while allowing for necessary customizations can be difficult.
  3. Efficiency: The process of drafting, reviewing and approving each agreement can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  4. Data security: Safeguarding the sensitive information contained in donation agreements is crucial to prevent data breaches and protect privacy.
  5. Tracking and reporting: Keeping track of all donation agreements and ensuring that the terms are followed and reported correctly can be challenging.

Automate donation agreements in Juro

Effective contract management is essential for organizations looking to streamline their operations and reduce risks. Juro’s contract management software is designed to enhance both the speed and efficiency of contract processes – including donation agreements. Here’s how Juro can help:

AI-powered automation

Juro’s AI-native platform automates repetitive tasks involved in contract creation and management. This includes drafting standard contract clauses, highlighting key terms and suggesting edits. By reducing the manual effort required, legal and business teams can focus on more strategic activities, accelerating the entire contract lifecycle.

Browser-based contract collaboration

Our software fosters seamless contract collaboration across teams within a single, browser-native workspace. This eliminates the need for multiple platforms and reduces the chances of miscommunication or lost documents. Teams can negotiate, edit and approve contracts in real-time.

Self-serve workflows

Juro enables business teams to self-serve on contracts directly from the tools they already use. This feature reduces the dependency on legal teams for routine contract tasks, freeing up legal professionals to handle more complex issues. Consequently, contracts move through the pipeline more quickly.

Centralised contract repository

Storing all contracts in a secure contract repository provides unparalleled insight into contract performance and risks. The centralised system makes it easy to search for and retrieve contracts, monitor compliance and analyse contract metadata to better inform strategic decisions.

Enhanced visibility and tracking

Juro’s platform offers robust tracking and analytics features, giving teams visibility into the status of each contract at any stage. This transparency helps in identifying bottlenecks and resolving issues swiftly, further speeding up the contract management process.

Juro’s AI-native contract automation platform empowers all teams to create, agree, execute and manage contracts up to 10x faster than traditional tools. To find out more, hit the button below to book your personalized demo.

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