

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Exclusivity agreement template

Download this exclusivity agreement template to formalize exclusive business relationships and obligations.

Preview of an exclusivity agreement template.
Want to manage exclusivity agreements faster and more efficiently? Click on the image above to book a demo.
Preview of an exclusivity agreement template.
Want to manage exclusivity agreements faster and more efficiently? Click on the image above to book a demo.
Our templates are for general information only. You should not rely on them, and Juro is not liable for any reliance on them. The templates might contain errors, including unlawful provisions and might create risks and liabilities if used. The templates are not legal advice, nor a substitute for it. By accessing any template, you accept these terms and agree that any use is at your own risk. Some of these templates were created using generative AI with human-assisted prompts.

Exclusivity agreements are vital in business relationships, particularly when one party seeks to maintain a competitive edge by securing exclusive rights. 

In this article, we’ll cover what exclusivity agreements are, their purposes and the best practices for creating and managing them. We will also explore how Juro can streamline the process of handling exclusivity agreements end-to-end.

What is an exclusivity agreement?

An exclusivity agreement is a contract between two parties wherein one party agrees to buy goods or services exclusively from the other for a certain period. This means that the buyer cannot purchase similar goods or services from another provider during the term of the agreement. These agreements are commonly used in various industries, including distribution, franchising and services.

What is the purpose of an exclusivity agreement?

The main purpose of an exclusivity agreement is to protect the interests of both parties. For the seller, it ensures a steady demand for their product or service. For the buyer, it can secure better terms, such as pricing or supply continuity. Here are some key objectives:

  • Securing commitment. Exclusivity agreements ensure that the parties involved are committed to each other. This is often seen in business partnerships, supplier relationships or employment contracts, and helps to foster trust and reliability.
  • Preventing competition. By restricting one party from engaging with competitors, the agreement helps in reducing competition. This is crucial in scenarios such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures or franchising, where exclusive dealings can provide a competitive edge.
  • Ensuring resource allocation. Exclusivity agreements often ensure that resources – time, money and effort – are dedicated to the relationship. This is particularly important in distribution agreements or service contracts, where the provider wants assurance that their investment will yield results.
  • Protecting confidential information. These agreements often include clauses to protect proprietary information, trade secrets and sensitive data, ensuring that such information is not shared with competitors or used for unauthorized purposes.
  • Enhancing negotiation leverage. Having an exclusivity agreement can enhance a party’s negotiation position by providing security and stability, which can be beneficial in long-term planning and strategy development.

Who manages exclusivity agreements?

The management of exclusivity agreements depends on the type of agreement and the specific context in which it is used. Each type of exclusivity agreement requires the involvement of specialized teams to manage the various aspects of the contract, ensuring that the terms are followed and the interests of the parties are protected. Here’s a breakdown of who typically manages these agreements based on their type:

Business partnerships and joint ventures

  • Legal team – responsible for drafting, reviewing and negotiating the terms to ensure legal compliance and protection.
  • Business development or partnerships team – manages the relationship, monitors compliance and handles day-to-day interactions.

Supplier and distribution agreements

  • Procurement or supply chain management – oversees the relationship with suppliers or distributors, makes sure that terms are adhered to and manages performance metrics.
  • Legal team – provides support in contract creation and dispute resolution.

Employment and talent agreements

  • Human resources (HR) – manages employee agreements, including exclusivity clauses and ensures compliance with company policies and labour laws.
  • Legal team – assists with drafting and legal compliance issues.

Sales and marketing agreements

  • Sales and marketing departments – handle the implementation of exclusivity clauses in sales territories or marketing partnerships, making sure that the terms are met.
  • Legal team – supports contract creation and enforcement.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

  • M&A team or corporate development – manages the overall process, including exclusivity periods during negotiations.
  • Legal team – drafts and reviews the exclusivity agreements and ensures compliance with legal requirements.

Franchising agreements

  • Franchise management team – oversees franchisee compliance with exclusivity clauses and manages the franchisor–franchisee relationship.
  • Legal team – provides support in drafting, reviewing and enforcing the agreements.

What should an exclusivity agreement template include?

A comprehensive exclusivity agreement template should cover several critical components. Here are the key elements:

Parties involved. Names and addresses of both parties.

Definitions. Clear definitions of key terms used in the agreement.

Scope of exclusivity. Detailed description of the exclusivity, including any geographical or product/service limitations.

Term. Duration of the agreement and any renewal terms.

Obligations of the parties. Detailed responsibilities of both parties.

Pricing and payment terms. Payment terms, pricing details and any financial obligations.

Confidentiality. Provisions to protect confidential information exchanged during the agreement.

Termination conditions. Circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated.

Liability and indemnification. Limits of liability and indemnification clauses.

Governing law. Jurisdiction and applicable laws governing the agreement.

Dispute resolution. Procedures for resolving disputes.

How are exclusivity agreement templates usually managed?

First, the relevant department (such as sales or procurement) recognizes the need for an exclusivity agreement due to strategic business needs or specific project requirements, and will initiate the process.

The legal team usually creates the initial draft. This includes defining the scope of exclusivity, duration, obligations of both parties, confidentiality terms, termination conditions and any other relevant clauses.

Next, the draft agreement is circulated internally among key stakeholders – including legal, finance and the relevant business units. Each stakeholder reviews the terms to make sure they align with company policies and objectives. The legal team incorporates feedback from stakeholders to refine the agreement, while ensuring clarity, compliance and mutual benefits.

Senior management or designated authorities within the organization review and formally approve the final draft, which is then sent to the other party for their review. This initiates a period of negotiation where both parties can discuss and propose changes.

Both parties engage in discussions to align on the terms, ensuring that the agreement is mutually beneficial and acceptable. This may involve several rounds of negotiation and adjustments to the draft.

Once both parties agree to the terms, authorized representatives from each side sign the contract. This formalizes the agreement and makes it legally binding. Signed copies of the agreement are distributed to all relevant parties, including internal stakeholders and the other party. This ensures everyone involved has a record of the finalized terms.

Challenges of managing exclusivity agreement templates

Managing exclusivity agreements can be complex, with several challenges:

  • Version control: Keeping track of different versions during negotiations.
  • Compliance: Ensuring all parties comply with the terms throughout the agreement period.
  • Communication: Maintaining clear communication between all stakeholders.
  • Storage: Storing and organizing agreements for easy access and reference.
  • Renewal management: Keeping track of renewal dates and renegotiating terms in a timely manner.

Automate exclusivity agreements in Juro

Juro can streamline the management of exclusivity agreements through its AI-native contract management platform. Here's how Juro can assist at each stage of the process:

Identify and draft

  • Automated templates. Juro provides customizable templates that ensure all necessary clauses and terms are included. This reduces drafting time and ensures consistency.
  • AI-assisted drafting. Juro’s AI tools can help draft agreements quickly, suggesting standard clauses and highlighting any missing elements, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Review and approve

  • Collaborative workspace. Juro's platform allows multiple stakeholders to review and comment on the draft in real-time. This facilitates faster feedback and reduces the need for lengthy email exchanges.
  • Approval workflows. Juro automates the approval process, sending notifications to relevant parties and tracking the status of each review step, ensuring that nothing is overlooked.


  • Centralized negotiations. All negotiation activities can take place within Juro’s platform, with tracked changes and comment threads. This keeps the negotiation process transparent and organized.
  • Version control. Juro maintains a clear record of all document versions, making it easy to reference past changes and agreements.

Sign and execute

  • Electronic signatures. Juro supports legally binding electronic signatures, allowing agreements to be signed quickly and securely without the need for physical paperwork.
  • Automated distribution. Once signed, Juro can automatically distribute copies to all relevant parties, so that everyone has access to the final document.

Monitor and enforce

  • Dashboard and alerts. Juro’s contract dashboard provides an overview of all active agreements, with alerts for key dates and milestones like compliance checks or renewal periods.
  • Tracking and analytics. Juro tracks compliance and performance metrics, providing insight into how well the terms of the agreement are being met.

Renew or terminate

  • Automated reminders. Juro sends automated reminders before the agreement's expiration, prompting timely reviews and decisions on renewal or termination.
  • Review history and analytics. Juro’s analytics help assess the agreement’s performance over its term, aiding in the decision to renew or terminate.

By leveraging Juro’s platform, companies can manage their exclusivity agreements more efficiently, reducing manual effort, minimizing errors and ensuring compliance with all terms.

Juro's AI-native contract automation platform empowers all teams to create, agree, execute and manage contracts up to 10x faster than traditional tools. To find out more, hit the button below to book your personalized demo.

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