

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


Cloud services agreement template

Cloud services agreements can be complicated. This free cloud services agreement template should make it quicker and easier to onboard new clients.

Click on the image above to find out how you can try the full cloud services agreement template in Juro.
Click on the image above to find out how you can try the full cloud services agreement template in Juro.
Our templates are for general information only. You should not rely on them, and Juro is not liable for any reliance on them. The templates might contain errors, including unlawful provisions and might create risks and liabilities if used. The templates are not legal advice, nor a substitute for it. By accessing any template, you accept these terms and agree that any use is at your own risk. Some of these templates were created using generative AI with human-assisted prompts.

Software is eating the world - even more voraciously, now generative AI is here too. So as everything moves to the cloud, it's crucial to understand the legal aspects of engaging a cloud service provider. In this guide we'll look at the Cloud Services Agreement in more detail. Read on or get started by grabbing the free Cloud Services Agreement template above.

What is a Cloud Services Agreement?

A cloud services agreement is a legally binding contract between a cloud service provider and a client.

It outlines the specifics of the services to be provided, the compensation, service level agreements (SLAs), data privacy and security measures, and other terms and conditions. This document helps both parties to understand and agree on their respective obligations and expectations, ensuring they are fully aligned and creating the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship.

What is the purpose of a Cloud Services Agreement?

The main purpose of a cloud services agreement is to outline the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of both the cloud service provider and the client.

This agreement is designed to provide a clear roadmap for the service, helping to maintain a smooth working relationship between both parties and hopefully avoiding conflict or misaligned expectations.

It also serves to protect the interests of both parties, providing a legal framework for the provision of services.

What does a Cloud Services Agreement typically include?

The contents of your cloud services agreement template can vary considerably depending on the service the provider is offering and the specific needs of the client. However, most cloud services agreements will include:

  • Parties involved: The agreement should clearly state the names and contact information of both the client and the cloud service provider.
  • Services to be provided: This section should clearly define the services being provided and the level of support the customer can expect. It should also detail any service agreements that specify the expected performance, uptime and availability of the services.
  • Access and license: This section should outline the customer's rights to access and use the services. It should also clarify any restrictions on the use of the services.
  • Duration of the contract: This outlines how long a contract lasts. It might also include information about service milestones or deadlines for individual tasks.
  • Payment terms: This part covers the payment amount, method, schedule, and any additional expenses. It might also address what happens if parties fail to meet their payment obligations.
  • Confidentiality clause: This clause ensures the provider will not disclose sensitive information they might gain access to during the course of their work (need an NDA template?)
  • Data security and privacy: This section addresses how the provider will handle and protect the client's data, in compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations.
  • Termination conditions: This section outlines how and when each party can end the contract. It should include notice period details and consequences for breach of contract.
  • Dispute resolution: This clause establishes what will happen if a contractual dispute occurs.

How are Cloud Services Agreements typically managed?

The traditional approach to managing cloud services agreements can be manual and cumbersome.

In the worst case, legal teams will draft the agreement from scratch, outlining the specific terms and conditions tailored to each new client. Slightly better would be that they've created a Cloud Services Agreement template in a text editor, such as Word or Google Docs.

Once the initial draft is ready, it undergoes internal review and approval. The document is then sent to the client for negotiation and signing.

The negotiation process can be lengthy and complex, with both parties working to find mutually beneficial terms. Any concerns or revisions are communicated through lengthy email threads or as redlines in distinct versions of the contract. This can cause errors and delays, particular due to problems with version control.

This process continues until all parties have agreed on the final terms and and signed the contract.

This can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and inefficient, especially when dealing with multiple contracts simultaneously - often the case for Cloud Services vendors.

How to automate your Cloud Services Agreement template

Fortunately, the process of managing cloud services agreements can be significantly improved through automation.

By implementing a contract management solution like Juro, businesses can automate their Cloud Services Agreement template and reduce routine admin throughout the lifecycle.

  • Automated contract templates: Juro's automated contract templates empower teams to generate cloud services agreements in seconds using templates with pre-approved legal terms.
  • Conditional logic: Juro enables teams to build a dynamic Cloud Services Agreement template that automatically include or exclude certain clauses based on the specific needs of the client. Perfect for customizing the contract quickly and efficiently!
  • CRM integrations: Juro integrates with platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive, enabling you to pull data directly from client profiles into contract fields and eliminating manual data entry.
  • Mass generation: With Juro's bulk actions functionality, you can create, auto-populate, and send out cloud services agreements for signing on a large scale. This makes Juro a great option for businesses with multiple clients.
  • Mobile-responsive eSignature: With Juro's native eSignature feature, clients can quickly sign cloud services agreements as soon as they've read and agreed to them, speeding up the contract process.
  • In-platform commenting: Juro's browser-based contract negotiation features empower clients to negotiate Cloud Services Agreements in real-time, adding questions and comments directly onto the contract for review.

Streamline your Cloud Services Agreements with Juro

Juro streamlines the entire contract workflow, enabling businesses to automate up to 75% of routine contract admin tasks, and get contracts agreed up to ten times faster.

If your business is looking for a faster and more efficient way to manage your cloud services agreements, hit the button below to book a personalized demo.

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